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Shannon Murray

Shannon Murray

Birthday: | Place of Birth: Delaware, USA

Shannon is hardworking, loves to laugh, spend time with good people, watch movies, sing at open mic nights, go for runs, cook for friends, loves animals, and can tear up the dance floor. She was raised in a small town in Delaware, and was very big into sports and school activities including the Drama Club. At 15, Shannon started her acting career in Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia. At age 17, Shannon made the big move to New York City to pursue her dream. She worked hard for four and a half years - learning the business, studying, filming, and networking. Shannon had much success, but wanted to give Hollywood a try. So on January 21st, 2008 she made another big move to Los Angeles, CA. Now residing in LA, Shannon has been working in front and behind the camera. Enjoying every new experience, she constantly grows and climbs to bigger and better projects.


Known For




Miami Heat

as    Max

Rag Doll

as    Nora