Man in Charge
2009Set during the Qing Dynasty of China in the mid 18th century, the drama tells the story of a stubborn official adviser, Chau Bing, and his relationship with the young county official, Shum Kwan-Pok. Bing obtains a secure job as Kwan-Pok's private adviser and the two become good friends. They both try to root out corruption within the Manchu government.
Seasons & Episode
杭州朱大上報朝廷開墾了良田八百畝,朝廷派巡按到杭州市巡視,朱大人在幕僚周炳授意之下,刻意要巡按在妓院等待。原來周炳知巡按是擊走高手,刻意先行向巡按送上一枝擊走棒作賠償,巡按為之大悅。 朱大人到來,見席上食材奢侈,又有美女侍候,遂假意斥責眾人。翌日周炳向巡按表示朱大人欲上書參巡按一本,巡按明白這是個局,便只好和朱大人一同視察「良田」,途中巡按收受了朱大人賄賂。 周炳有個惡妻趙玉卿,她時常窺探丈夫行蹤,怎料巡按卻看上玉卿,從而鬧出笑話。 「良田」事情雖然解決,但主簿彭輝卻憂心百姓因為朱大人的虛報而要多付糧餉,他決心自盡,幸得周炳所救,結果周炳盜用官印,叫彭輝將公文加急呈上朝廷。周炳晚飯時被落毒,性命垂危。
Set during the Qing Dynasty of China in the mid 18th century, the drama tells the story of a stubborn official adviser, Chau Bing, and his relationship with the young county official, Shum Kwan-Pok. Bing obtains a secure job as Kwan-Pok's private adviser and the two become good friends. They both try to root out corruption within the Manchu government.