Transformers: Victory
1989Transformers: Victory is an anime series produced by Toei Animation. It is a Japanese-produced spin-off of the well-known original Transformers cartoon, and the final complete animated series from the original "Generation 1" era.
Seasons & Episode
A clip show recounting highlights of the series thus far.
Leozack promises Desaras that he will obtain valuable information to aid the Decepticon cause, while another of his Breast Force teammates, Hellbat, has arrived on Earth and has infiltrated an energy research installation.
Hellbat meets with Desaras to introduce himself, and informs him of an operation to transport a load of energy into space using a space shuttle being launched from a port that the Decepticons have attacked previously.
Frustrated with his failure thus far to obtain the energy needed to recover his fortress from the Dark Nebula, Desaras becomes angered with his troops until Drillhorn suggests seizing an oil tanker. An entire major city is then left without gasoline, prompting Victory Saber to dispatch the Brainmasters to investigate and determine if the Decepticons are involved.
A clip show recounting the activities of the Chest Force.
The Chest Force-minus Hellbat-attack a convoy of tankers, one of which was discovered to be carrying fuel by the absent Decepticon. The Brainmasters and Galaxy Shuttle depart to confront them, unaware that Hellbat is attempting to infiltrate the base and steal information.
A large sinkhole opens up in Canada, and Star Saber sends Machtackle to investigate. Guided by a local farmer, he examines the hole and splits into Mach and Tackle, who determine the cause to be the cutoff of local underground water.
When spaceships begin disappearing in the asteroid belt, Star Saber disguises himself to investigate personally.
On the planet Micro, Star Saber and the Rescue Team join forces with the wandering warrior Greatshot to foil Hellbat's latest plan.
The Breastforce seek to expand their ranks when they attack a prison in order to free their old comrade, Gaihawk.
Trouble is brewing for Hellbat when the Breastforce bring in a new member, but to what lengths is he willing to go to ensure his place on the team when their ultimate power is finally revealed?
The bitter memories that rise to the surface when Deathsaurus attempts to re-energize his fortress force the Decepticon leader into a deadly outer space battle with Star Saber.
Star Saber unleashes his full fighting potential when the Decepticons make a play for the Autobot power source, Schaeffer Energy.
When a Decepticon drilling operation begins to melt the polar ice caps, Star Saber clashes with Liokaiser and Deathsaurus to save the life of Jean's classmate's father.
The Brainmasters stumble into a Decepticon trap in the desert, but luckily for them, Greatshot is on hand to help.
With Blacker injured after the Autobots' last battle, Star Saber is forced to brave his own injuries to face down Deathsaurus's latest trap.
Wounded beyond repair following his battle with Deathsaurus, Ginrai lies right at death's door, only to discover that hope exists in the form of a reconstruction process developed by Star Saber.
God Ginrai is reborn as the ferocious Victory Leo, but will he be a threat to the Autobots as well as the Decepticons?
This episode is the fourth of Victory's many clip shows.
If Jean cannot awaken the soul of God Ginrai within the bestial Victory Leo, it's the end for him and Holi!
Deathsaurus threatens our planet with an orbital missile bombardment that will keep the Autobots at bay; this weapon is highly sensitive to whenever the Autobots intervene in Decepticon operations, but he hasn't reckoned with the ultimate power that is soon to arise, which will turn the tables of the situation to save the day for the Earth: Victory Combination - Victory Saber!
Laster and Holi build a personal mech for Jean, which receives its baptism of fire when the Dinoforce attack his school!
A Decepticon has infiltrated the Shuttle Base and planted bombs throughout it... or have they?
The Decepticons unleash a swarm of metal-eating insects on the unsuspecting Autobots.
Deadly tidal waves put the world in danger when the Decepticons raise Atlantis.
Deathsaurus's fortress lives again, and not even the Autobots seem able to stand in its way!
Star Saber and Deathsaurus engage in their greatest battle yet, and everything rests on Jean's shoulders as Earth hovers on the brink of destruction!
Transformers: Victory is an anime series produced by Toei Animation. It is a Japanese-produced spin-off of the well-known original Transformers cartoon, and the final complete animated series from the original "Generation 1" era.