The Goode Family (2009)
The Goode Family is an American animated comedy series, which originally aired on ABC from May 27, 2009 to August 7, 2009. The series was created by Mike Judge, and follows the life of an environmentally responsible, albeit obsessive, family. The series takes a comic look at contemporary society. Judge created the show along with former King of the Hill writers John Altschuler and David Krinsky. The show was cancelled after its first season due to low ratings. The series was released on DVD format on January 8, 2013 by Shout! Factory.
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2009The Goode Family is an American animated comedy series, which originally aired on ABC from May 27, 2009 to August 7, 2009. The series was created by Mike Judge, and follows the life of an environmentally responsible, albeit obsessive, family. The series takes a comic look at contemporary society. Judge created the show along with former King of the Hill writers John Altschuler and David Krinsky. The show was cancelled after its first season due to low ratings. The series was released on DVD format on January 8, 2013 by Shout! Factory.
Seasons & Episode
Bliss takes drastic action and joins an abstinence group after hearing more than her fair share of safe sex talk from her mother. Ubuntu wants to learn to drive now that he's turned sixteen.
Ubuntu becomes a star on his high-school football team, and Helen and Gerald struggle with being a football family. Meanwhile, Bliss tries to improve her college prospects using unorthodox methods.
Gerald and Helen offend a lesbian couple so must seek out new lesbian friends in order to prove they aren't being offensive.
Helen gets the support of 'Freegan' Heinrich in order to get more people to come to the Eco Festival. After realising what sort of person he is, they have difficulty getting him to leave their home.
Helen becomes a grafitti artist in order to make Bliss do some actual work, because she has been lying to her about the work she's been 'doing'. When her work begins to get noticed, Helen realises she's going to have to come out of the shadows if she wants to get recognition for what she's done.
Gerald eats a meal that contains chicken even though it's not supposed to. He decides to take on Cranky (a chef) to protest what happened. Elsewhere, nobody can find Che so they assume he's missing.
While Helen and Gerald tutor some at risk kids after school, their own children are left to their own devices. Ubuntu joins an ecoterrorist group unknowingly, and Bliss begins a business of selling fake ID's.
In an effort to bring public radio to the town, Gerald tries to get the other residents to become involved as well.
Helen is banned from One Earth on the day of Gerald's big meal, after 'stealing' something from the store.
Gerald adopts a highway.
Gerald thinks Mo and Trish want him to be the sperm donor for their next child; Charlie decides to teach Ubuntu how to be a man.
The Goode Family is an American animated comedy series, which originally aired on ABC from May 27, 2009 to August 7, 2009. The series was created by Mike Judge, and follows the life of an environmentally responsible, albeit obsessive, family. The series takes a comic look at contemporary society. Judge created the show along with former King of the Hill writers John Altschuler and David Krinsky. The show was cancelled after its first season due to low ratings. The series was released on DVD format on January 8, 2013 by Shout! Factory.