Family Dog
1993 / NRFamily Dog is an American animated television series that aired in the summer of 1993 on CBS. Created by Brad Bird, the series was about an average suburban family, the Binsfords, as told through the eyes of their dog. It first appeared as an episode of the TV show Amazing Stories, then was expanded into a very short-lived series of its own.
Seasons & Episode
In this episode, the dog's family enters him in a rodeo showcase of the stars! His family believes him to be specially talented, but as we all see, the magic's in the making...
In this episode the Binsfords enroll our hero in a painting lesson, but he soon sees that you shouldnt try to seperate a baby cheetah from its petuitary gland!
In this episode, the family's nonexistent pet cat gets a girlfriend. Too bad she's really just a lantern! The kid tries to kill the cat and the lanbtern, and the cat kisses the lantern and is electricuted. The kid ends up cutting up the cat and giving him to the local korean restaurant as the blue plate special! Pure genius!
Family Dog is an American animated television series that aired in the summer of 1993 on CBS. Created by Brad Bird, the series was about an average suburban family, the Binsfords, as told through the eyes of their dog. It first appeared as an episode of the TV show Amazing Stories, then was expanded into a very short-lived series of its own.