The Inside (2005)
The Inside
2005The Inside is an American crime drama television series created by Tim Minear and Howard Gordon and produced by Imagine Television. The Inside follows the work of the FBI's Los Angeles Violent Crimes Unit, a division dedicated to investigating particularly dangerous crimes. The Inside initially aired on the Fox Network from June 8 to July 13, 2005. Although thirteen episodes were produced, Fox aired only seven episodes before canceling the series. All thirteen episodes were subsequently aired on Britain's ITV4 in 2006.
Seasons & Episode
Three people are murdered, including a Federal prosecutor, in a bizarre rape-strangulation scene. All three victims were linked to an S&M club where a member was recently banned.
The VCU team struggles to stay a step ahead of a cunning vigilante who is trying to stop murders by executing the would-be killers.
Rebecca thinks a witness is lying even though the evidence supports a claim made against the prime suspect in the murder of a little boy.
Rebecca goes undercover to meet a sucide hotline counselor after a series of murders staged to look like suicides.
Paul's first big case, a killer who literally stole his victims' hearts , is in jeopardy after a copycat killer crops up and a witness recants.
An agent with a grudge against Web is chosen to lead the team while Web is under investigation. The search is on for a ritualistic serial killer with a penchant for stun guns and removing victims’ fingernails.
Paul finds his work hampered by the memory of his wife's recent miscarriage when a pregnant woman is killed and has her fetus stolen and replaced with a baby doll.
Visions from the past are the least of Rebecca's worries when problems occur while transporting a missing family's abductor.
The team is searching for a man who is on a killing spree, covering rapes by shooting at the victims' genitalia before finishing them off in the woods. Rebecca is sent as bait in the nightclub where all the victims were last seen. They soon realize that they might have viewed the case in the wrong way.
When Web sends Rebecca to assist the fire department on a serial arson case, Paul thinks it's too incidental a crime for the VCU to bother with, but it may have a serious connection to Rebecca's past -- and, specifically, how she escaped her kidnapper years ago.
The Inside is an American crime drama television series created by Tim Minear and Howard Gordon and produced by Imagine Television. The Inside follows the work of the FBI's Los Angeles Violent Crimes Unit, a division dedicated to investigating particularly dangerous crimes. The Inside initially aired on the Fox Network from June 8 to July 13, 2005. Although thirteen episodes were produced, Fox aired only seven episodes before canceling the series. All thirteen episodes were subsequently aired on Britain's ITV4 in 2006.