2004 / TV-PGO'Grady is an animated television show created by Tom Snyder and Carl Adams and developed for TV by co-star Holly Schlesinger. It was the first original animated series for Noggin's teen block, The N. The show stars Melissa Bardin Galsky and H. Jon Benjamin, among other Soup2nuts Productions alumni, as high school students Abby and Kevin, and chronicles their lives along with those of other residents of O'Grady, a fictional town which is periodically plagued by "The Weirdness." The Weirdness affects its residents in strange ways such as projecting their private thoughts in bubbles over their heads, or producing clones of themselves every time they get angry. The random changes in the show's logo explains the plot.
Seasons & Episode
With Beth off to France, Abby and Kevin start their summer jobs right next to each other at the local pool. But when Abby's summer starts looking up, it's Kevin who's floored.
The weirdness is back again, and it's causing everyone to disappear when they hold their breath. Kevin's older brother, Randy, comes home from college and is ready to show everyone what he's "learned." Meanwhile, Derrick, the shoegazer, has found a muse in Abby. But don't hold your breath, because not everyone's what they appear to be.
The weirdness strikes again when it causes animals to talk. Harold's blog becomes the talk of O'Grady with stories about everyone, including Abby, which is starting to cause an allergic reaction.
The weirdness returns again, and gives a few individuals super-strength. Beth is running for class president,(and the weirdness really helps her campaign) against the all-around nerd Philip. Mr. Lipschitz gets replaces by a temp who Abby develops a crush on. Kevin and Harold create a punk band, but what could be more punk than dressing up as a techno band?
O'Grady is an animated television show created by Tom Snyder and Carl Adams and developed for TV by co-star Holly Schlesinger. It was the first original animated series for Noggin's teen block, The N. The show stars Melissa Bardin Galsky and H. Jon Benjamin, among other Soup2nuts Productions alumni, as high school students Abby and Kevin, and chronicles their lives along with those of other residents of O'Grady, a fictional town which is periodically plagued by "The Weirdness." The Weirdness affects its residents in strange ways such as projecting their private thoughts in bubbles over their heads, or producing clones of themselves every time they get angry. The random changes in the show's logo explains the plot.