Kamen Rider Amazons (2016)
The series revolves around a race of genetically-engineered mutants known as Amazons, around four thousand of which are set loose into a city after a mysterious lab accident. Though normally able to mimic humans and live peaceful lives, the Amazons transform into ravenous flesh-eating monsters when the medicinal suppressant within their armlets runs out after two to three years.
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2016 / NRThe series revolves around a race of genetically-engineered mutants known as Amazons, around four thousand of which are set loose into a city after a mysterious lab accident. Though normally able to mimic humans and live peaceful lives, the Amazons transform into ravenous flesh-eating monsters when the medicinal suppressant within their armlets runs out after two to three years.
Seasons & Episode
A group of youths, under the moniker 'Team X' are hunting down Amazons. Leading the charge is a mysterious blue Amazon, Neo.
Chihiro, who was brought back to 4C, wants to exterminate the Amazons with Iyu. In the battle with no emotions and only pain, Chihiro transforms to protect someone for the first time.
Haruka Mizusawa, Kamen Rider Amazon Omega, heads back into town. Returning from exile after Operation Tlaloc. He has found a new target in Iyu, who is a Sigma Type Amazon.
Chihiro wishes to act more human. He leaves the 4C compound to spend time with Iyu. Makoto Shido begins investigating an important incident, and encounters a person who he never thought he'd meet again…
As Mamoru (Mole Amazon) confronts his comrades from the past, Mizuki Mizusawa again encounters Haruka Mizusawa (Kamen Rider Amazon Omega). Can the 5 years which has separated them be filled?
The series revolves around a race of genetically-engineered mutants known as Amazons, around four thousand of which are set loose into a city after a mysterious lab accident. Though normally able to mimic humans and live peaceful lives, the Amazons transform into ravenous flesh-eating monsters when the medicinal suppressant within their armlets runs out after two to three years.