Dusk Maiden of Amnesia
2012 / TV-MAThe story revolves around a first-year high school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at Seikyou Private Academy. When he gets lost in one of the school's old building, he meets a girl named Yuuko Kanoe who reveals herself as a ghost with no memories. Teiichi then decides to investigate her death by delving deep into the infamous Seven Mysteries of the storied school along with Kirie Kanoe, Yuuko's relative, and the oblivious second year Momoe Okonogi. Throughout the story, Teiichi and Yuuko discover the truth about these ghost stories and help those who are troubled all the while inching closer to the truth behind Yuuko's death.
Seasons & Episode
The Paranormal Investigation Club investigates the strange occurrences that happen on school grounds. Recently, the students have noticed the old dumb waiter working by itself. Is this the work of a malevolent spirit or something worse?
Seikyou Academy is an ever growing collection of buildings and structures. There are classrooms that became storage, stairs that no one climbs, and hallways that end abruptly. Teiichi is lost in one of the older sections alone…
Teiichi is not the only one who can see ghosts; he receives a letter to meet with the sender. They tell Teiichi he is being haunted and will be dragged down. Do they not see the same Yuuko, he sees?
The Paranormal Investigation Club is holding a training camp at the school. Teiichi sees Yuuko from the corner of his eye, but she is not stopping to talk to him. That night she takes him to a forgotten part of the school, to see the cursed rock.
The Paranormal Investigation Club is hosting a haunted house for the cultural festival; those who enter are exposed to their greatest fear.
There is a rumour going around about a monster called Akahito. The students are adding to the rumour and it is getting out of hand. Mob rule breaks out leaving the paranormal investigation club in danger.
Yuuko hasn't really been herself recently; it is something Teiichi can't put his finger on. Kirie hears the voice she originally thought was Yuuko. The truth is starting to come together and with that the danger increases.
Yuuko's memories of Teiichi and everything they've done together are gone. Teiichi is losing his ability to see her and slowly also his memory of their relationship. What will happen to the paranormal investigation club?
Yuuko's memories are back but something is off. She is displaying emotions that Teiichi and Kirie have never seen before. With these new emotions, Shadow Yuuko begins to lashes out more.
Trapped within the memories of Yuuko, Teiichi is re-living her last days alive. He will witness and experience all that she felt including the birth of something darker.
Yuuko can no longer see or hear Teiichi; he has become a ghost to her. When he reaches out for her, it only causes pain.
All the mystery have been solved, Yuuko is whole once again. But now that she has no regrets anymore, can she still remain a ghost?
The story revolves around a first-year high school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at Seikyou Private Academy. When he gets lost in one of the school's old building, he meets a girl named Yuuko Kanoe who reveals herself as a ghost with no memories. Teiichi then decides to investigate her death by delving deep into the infamous Seven Mysteries of the storied school along with Kirie Kanoe, Yuuko's relative, and the oblivious second year Momoe Okonogi. Throughout the story, Teiichi and Yuuko discover the truth about these ghost stories and help those who are troubled all the while inching closer to the truth behind Yuuko's death.