Wingman (2016)
2016The series follows the lives of Juha "Juhis" Koski and Tommi Mäkinen-Renwall as neighbours. The men drift too far in their everyday challenges that lead to excessive outcomes. Unwillingly, Tommi and Juhis often find themselves in awkward and embarrassing situations where they are forced to choose one of two bad options. Tommi's wife and Juhis' good friend Harriet does her best to understand the men's antics.
Seasons & Episode
Juhis commits a traffic offence. Serious consequences are imminent. The reluctant Tommi is enlisted to help.
New neighbours are not just anyone. But is everything as it seems? Tommi and Juhis decide to find out the truth.
Terrorist is buzzing in the neighborhood airspace. Fortunately, Juhis has mastered the noble art of hybrid warfare. It's also about the future of the children.
Aunt Erja's painting must be delivered in time for the opening of the exhibition. But there's never a hurry in art.
When you do it yourself, you save. Tommi and Juhis put summer tires on Tommi's car. Or do they?
Tommin father in law urgently needs Tommi to become a trustee. With Juhis' help, the logistics of a challenging day can be made to flow.
The peace of the neighbourhood is disturbed by a moped gang, which the building control offers no help to stop.
Tommi and Juhis bump into Juhis' ex-wife, Anna, in a shopping mall. Juhis has unresolved issues with Anna.
The series follows the lives of Juha "Juhis" Koski and Tommi Mäkinen-Renwall as neighbours. The men drift too far in their everyday challenges that lead to excessive outcomes. Unwillingly, Tommi and Juhis often find themselves in awkward and embarrassing situations where they are forced to choose one of two bad options. Tommi's wife and Juhis' good friend Harriet does her best to understand the men's antics.