Sunshine (2017)
This drama mini-series follows a group of friends from the South Sudanese community living in Sunshine, a suburb in the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. The young men get entangled in a crime as they are hoping to make it as professional basketball players.
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2017 / NRThis drama mini-series follows a group of friends from the South Sudanese community living in Sunshine, a suburb in the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. The young men get entangled in a crime as they are hoping to make it as professional basketball players.
Seasons & Episode
Eddie is now the official Sunshine Kings coach and he proves a tough taskmaster. While Jacob sweats on the police investigation, knowing a criminal record would destroy any chance he has of playing basketball in the United States, Zara begins to turn a suspicious eye to Dazzler.
Eddie is the king of Sunshine, coaching the team on a winning streak into the finals. Meanwhile, Zara continues to uncover pieces of the puzzle about the night in question. Jacob earns his golden opportunity to impress the US Talent Scout, but the criminal investigation might place his future in jeopardy.
Relations between Jacob and Eddie remain strained amid premiership celebrations in Sunshine. The arrival in town of a Talent Scout from the US convinces Eddie that he must face up to the mistake from his past in order to heal the wounded Jacob and free him to perform at his best.
This drama mini-series follows a group of friends from the South Sudanese community living in Sunshine, a suburb in the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. The young men get entangled in a crime as they are hoping to make it as professional basketball players.