The Strangerhood
2004The Strangerhood is a comedy series created by Rooster Teeth Productions. The series is produced primarily by using the machinima technique of synchronizing video footage from computer and video games to pre-recorded dialogue and other audio. The animation is created using the computer game The Sims 2 as a parody of sitcoms and reality television. The series, whose name is a portmanteau of stranger and neighborhood, details the lives of eight "assorted stereotypes" who wake up living in a neighborhood called Strangerhood Lane, with no memory of who they are, where they are, or how they got there.
Seasons & Episode
Returning from a distant, dark, twisted future, President Wade must gather all of his wits and resources to stop the worst thing ever from happening: The Strangerhood.
In his efforts to prevent The Strangerhood, Wade 'offers' six unique individuals the chance to create a better future... by creating The Strangerhood.
Wade's experiment to stop The Strangerhood from taking place seems to be working, that is until a blast from the past.. er, future, comes knocking.
The Strangerhood is a comedy series created by Rooster Teeth Productions. The series is produced primarily by using the machinima technique of synchronizing video footage from computer and video games to pre-recorded dialogue and other audio. The animation is created using the computer game The Sims 2 as a parody of sitcoms and reality television. The series, whose name is a portmanteau of stranger and neighborhood, details the lives of eight "assorted stereotypes" who wake up living in a neighborhood called Strangerhood Lane, with no memory of who they are, where they are, or how they got there.