Seasons & Episode
He goes by many names, but one thing that never changes is his skill on the dance floor. Another thing he never changes is his nature, unfortunately. For better or worse, Cool World is about to get the full Kenobi experience.
Hangovers are tough for anyone, no doubt about it, but they are especially tough when you've got enough midichlorians in your system to kill a normal man several times over. Good thing Obi Wan "Larry" Kenobi is not a normal man. Still though, at the end of the day he is made of flesh, and the flesh was made for suffering.
When you party as hard as Obi-Wan “Larry” Kenobi, you don’t get to simply walk away once the party is over. He’s off to Sea World to try and get a little rest and relaxation, but the consequences of his actions ain’t got time for that.
The tale of Obi-wan Steven Ben Larry Bongjo Kenobi.