2012Starlings is a British comedy-drama written by Steve Edge and Matt King who also play the roles of Fergie and Uncle Loz. It is one of the few new television comedy series that has been commissioned and aired on Sky1.
Seasons & Episode
Fergie starts a new business venture. Bell spends some time with the in-laws. Grandad's day out with a friend does not go to plan.
Jan reminds Terry of a promise he made years ago about getting the "snippity-snip" once the kids were older, and, though normally a man of his word, this is one deal he might want to back out of.
Normally considered a quiet, relaxing pursuit, Terry, Grandad and Loz's fishing trip turns out to be anything but.
Bell and Reuben prepare for their big day, while Gravy makes a life-changing decision.
Starlings is a British comedy-drama written by Steve Edge and Matt King who also play the roles of Fergie and Uncle Loz. It is one of the few new television comedy series that has been commissioned and aired on Sky1.