Cloudbabies (2015)
Cloudbabies is an adorable animated series about four enchanting, childlike characters, Baba Pink, Baba Blue, Baba Yellow and Baba Green whose job is to look after the sky and their Sky Friends, Sun, Moon, Rainbow, Fuffa Cloud and Little Star. They live together with Bobo White, a mischievous little Sky Imp, in a house on a big fluffy Cloud. Every morning, they jump on their Skyhorsies and begin their days work of looking after the sky.
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2015 / NRCloudbabies is an adorable animated series about four enchanting, childlike characters, Baba Pink, Baba Blue, Baba Yellow and Baba Green whose job is to look after the sky and their Sky Friends, Sun, Moon, Rainbow, Fuffa Cloud and Little Star. They live together with Bobo White, a mischievous little Sky Imp, in a house on a big fluffy Cloud. Every morning, they jump on their Skyhorsies and begin their days work of looking after the sky.
Seasons & Episode
Bobo White desperately wants to be a Cloudbaby and he thinks he's succeeded when he gets his hands on a pot of purple paint and paints Sun.
Baba Green can't cloud bounce like the others, and it makes him sad. But after bravely rescuing Bobo White, he becomes the best bouncer of all.
Baba Pink thinks she is being helpful when she creates a star chart to monitor each of the Cloudbabies' jobs, but in the process she forgets about her own jobs.
Cloudbabies is an adorable animated series about four enchanting, childlike characters, Baba Pink, Baba Blue, Baba Yellow and Baba Green whose job is to look after the sky and their Sky Friends, Sun, Moon, Rainbow, Fuffa Cloud and Little Star. They live together with Bobo White, a mischievous little Sky Imp, in a house on a big fluffy Cloud. Every morning, they jump on their Skyhorsies and begin their days work of looking after the sky.