2012International Hareport is an upcoming computer-animated television series produced by France's independent TeamTO, with the support of the Centre National de la Cinématographie. The series was first proposed at 2006's Cartoon Forum. It is also being made by Filmwerken and ViviFilms. The show's main characters are Fred and Ned, two hares who decide to build an international airport on their own garden after discovering that all animals can finally fly.
Seasons & Episode
Taking advantage of Ned’s passion for stories of buried treasure, the beavers play a nasty trick on Ned and Fred.
Looking for somewhere to hibernate, Boris suddenly falls asleep right in the middle of the runway. For the family, it’s a catastrophe: if the runway is unusable for travelers, the airport will have to close!
The suitcases belonging to a couple of penguins and a couple of crocodiles have been switched accidentally.
Penguin visitors tour the airport in search of a venue for their 50th wedding anniversary.
International Hareport is an upcoming computer-animated television series produced by France's independent TeamTO, with the support of the Centre National de la Cinématographie. The series was first proposed at 2006's Cartoon Forum. It is also being made by Filmwerken and ViviFilms. The show's main characters are Fred and Ned, two hares who decide to build an international airport on their own garden after discovering that all animals can finally fly.