2010 / TV-MAPlayers is an American comedy series which premiered on the Spike network on March 2, 2010. The series is a partially scripted/mostly improvised comedy about two brothers who run a sports bar together. After airing 3 episodes, Players was removed from the Spike schedule and put on hiatus. The remaining seven episodes from season one were pushed back to air beginning July 21, 2010. Spike aired the final four episodes back-to-back on August 14, 2010.
Seasons & Episode
When her hard-to-please mom comes for a visit, Krista lies about being the manager of Players to impress her.
While planning a grand re-opening of Players, Ken's repeated attempts to prove to the staff that he's capable of having fun backfires.
When Bruce is nonchalant about Barb still living with her husband who she's separated from, she gets upset and breaks up with him.
When Ken becomes concerned with Bruce's gambling, he stages an intervention which only he takes seriously.
When Bruce leases the bar out for a film shoot that turns out to be a hardcore porn movie, Ken is incensed until he's invited to play the part of an authentic restaurant manager to help make sure the film is realistic.
Bruce and Ken's mentally challenged cousin Leonard comes to Players for a visit. Barb grows attached to a missing child.
While Hickey deals with the heartbreak of his favorite ballplayer Pete Rose's continued ineligibility for baseball's hall of fame, the rest of the gang prepares for a visit from a ruthless food critic.
When Players becomes a haven for European soccer fans, who flock there to watch World Cup qualifying matches, Bruce and Ken come to blows over their alliances to the fans of England and Germany.
Players is an American comedy series which premiered on the Spike network on March 2, 2010. The series is a partially scripted/mostly improvised comedy about two brothers who run a sports bar together. After airing 3 episodes, Players was removed from the Spike schedule and put on hiatus. The remaining seven episodes from season one were pushed back to air beginning July 21, 2010. Spike aired the final four episodes back-to-back on August 14, 2010.