The T.O. Show (2009)
The T.O. Show is an American reality television series that premiered on VH1 on July 20, 2009. It follows Owens and his friend and publicist as they re-evaluate Owens' personal life, while battling the two sides of his personality and also trying to find romance for him. On September 9, 2009, VH1 announced that the series has been picked up for a second season. Season Two premiered on VH1 on July 11, 2010. On February 28, 2011, VH1 announced that the series has been picked up for a third season. The series relocated to Miami. The third season premiered on August 22, 2011.
Watch NowThe T.O. Show
2009The T.O. Show is an American reality television series that premiered on VH1 on July 20, 2009. It follows Owens and his friend and publicist as they re-evaluate Owens' personal life, while battling the two sides of his personality and also trying to find romance for him. On September 9, 2009, VH1 announced that the series has been picked up for a second season. Season Two premiered on VH1 on July 11, 2010. On February 28, 2011, VH1 announced that the series has been picked up for a third season. The series relocated to Miami. The third season premiered on August 22, 2011.
Seasons & Episode
Ex-NBA champ John Salley advises T.O. on life after retirement and takes Terrell, Kita and Monique out on the town.
Terrell accepts an invitation to be a groomsmen at his cousin Tony's wedding in Alabama. There, he advances an obvious and potentially emotional opportunity to reveal to his family details of his recent surgery and impending financial changes which could impact everyone. Mo and Kita also join an emotional Terrell at his Atlanta home, which has recently gone up for sale.
Now bitten by the acting bug, Terrell jumps at the chance to walk the boards of a huge hit stage play, but first he has to audition to land the role along side Angie Stone and Tyson Beckford. After Kita and Monique tweak the final details of the barber shop launch party, Kita works to keep her relationship with Joe on track
The T.O. Show is an American reality television series that premiered on VH1 on July 20, 2009. It follows Owens and his friend and publicist as they re-evaluate Owens' personal life, while battling the two sides of his personality and also trying to find romance for him. On September 9, 2009, VH1 announced that the series has been picked up for a second season. Season Two premiered on VH1 on July 11, 2010. On February 28, 2011, VH1 announced that the series has been picked up for a third season. The series relocated to Miami. The third season premiered on August 22, 2011.