Full English
2012Revolves around the lives of members of a suburban family called the Johnsons. Hard-working Edgar, the father, is employed by Ken, his borderline-evil father-in law, while his house-proud wife, Wendy, looks after their children: the freaky weirdo Dusty, the amiable idiot Jason and the highly strung emo, Eve. Ken's only friend is a large green figment of his imagination called Squidge, who makes him do unpleasant things.
Seasons & Episode
Eve is worried that she'll become boring and suburban-like her parents, so when she meets a gypsy boy it's the perfect opportunity to rebel – and the two of them decide to get married. Her parents don't object as much as they might, though. Wendy's found an old bucket list, and they're working their way through it to prove they're still young at heart. And Ken is offered a knighthood – but will Sir Richard Branson allow it?
Revolves around the lives of members of a suburban family called the Johnsons. Hard-working Edgar, the father, is employed by Ken, his borderline-evil father-in law, while his house-proud wife, Wendy, looks after their children: the freaky weirdo Dusty, the amiable idiot Jason and the highly strung emo, Eve. Ken's only friend is a large green figment of his imagination called Squidge, who makes him do unpleasant things.