Kid Notorious
2003Kid Notorious is an animated television series that aired for nine weeks on Comedy Central and is currently running on the UK version of Adult Swim. It starred Hollywood film producer Robert Evans as himself. Episode plots were often bizarre and absurdist in nature, featuring Evans as a James Bond type character. Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash also appeared on the show as himself. The show was directed by Pete Michels.
Seasons & Episode
After losing his home in a poker game, Evans devises a plan to win it back with help from Slash and a LaToya Jackson look-alike.
When an old friend tells Evans that a well-known businessman is really a renowned Nazi, he joins the local Nazi party to expose him.
An estranged husband kidnaps the star of Evans' next movie, Leonardo DiCaprio.
Evans goes to great lengths to recover his old porno film.
In what is billed ""as the most subversive x-mas special ever (after Mr.Hankey)"", Kid Notorious has a religious conversion and gives new meaning to the term ""white x-mas"".
Kid Notorious is an animated television series that aired for nine weeks on Comedy Central and is currently running on the UK version of Adult Swim. It starred Hollywood film producer Robert Evans as himself. Episode plots were often bizarre and absurdist in nature, featuring Evans as a James Bond type character. Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash also appeared on the show as himself. The show was directed by Pete Michels.