PERSONA5 the Animation (2018)
Ren Amamiya is about to enter his second year after transferring to Shujin Academy in Tokyo. Following a particular incident, his Persona awakens, and together with his friends, they form the “Phantom Thieves of Hearts” to reform hearts of corrupt adults by stealing the source of their distorted desires. Meanwhile, bizarre and inexplicable crimes have been popping up one after another… Living an ordinary high school life in Tokyo during the day, the group maneuvers the metropolitan city as Phantom Thieves after hours. Let the curtain rise for this grand, picaresque story!
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2018 / TV-14Ren Amamiya is about to enter his second year after transferring to Shujin Academy in Tokyo. Following a particular incident, his Persona awakens, and together with his friends, they form the “Phantom Thieves of Hearts” to reform hearts of corrupt adults by stealing the source of their distorted desires. Meanwhile, bizarre and inexplicable crimes have been popping up one after another… Living an ordinary high school life in Tokyo during the day, the group maneuvers the metropolitan city as Phantom Thieves after hours. Let the curtain rise for this grand, picaresque story!
Seasons & Episode
After high school student Ren Amamiya gets in trouble with the police, he’s labeled as a juvenile delinquent. As part of his probation, he is forced to start living with Sojiro Sakura, a stranger who agreed to take him in. While walking to his new school Shujin Academy, Ren becomes lost in another world…
Ren begins his new school life, but it's tough being a transfer student, especially when he comes with seemingly shady baggage. He meets Ryuji, a classmate who's similarly isolated, and they use a mysterious app to enter a world in which their gym teacher, Kamoshida, is a sadistic king.
The members of the volleyball team are terrified of the tyrannical Kamoshida's irrational violence. Meanwhile, Ren's classmate, Ann Takamaki, has been protecting her best friend from being cut as a regular player on the volleyball team, but she's at a loss as to what to do about the persistent approaches of Kamoshida, who lusts for her with his twisted desires.
The first heist of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts is underway, as the group sends Kamoshida a calling card, threatening to steal away is twisted desires. Ren and the gang begin prepping for their dangerous delve into the cognitive world, and encounter a couple potential allies in the process. Will they be successful in taking the terrible King Kamoshida’s precious Treasure?
After safely changing Kamoshida’s heart, Ren and friends decide to continue changing the hearts of selfish, clueless adults. And no sooner are the "Phantom Thieves of Hearts" established than a fan website springs up, soliciting requests from troubled teens who want the heart of an adult in their life changed.
Needing to change Madarame's cognition to further access his Palace, Ann distracts Yusuke while Morgana access Madarame's secret room, exposing his plagiarism of his most known piece, Sayuri. After inadvertenly following the others into the Palace, Yusuke learns that Madarame was responsible for the death of his mother, leading him to awaken his Persona, Goemon.
The Phantoms break into Madarame's palace to steal his treasure, only to find it is a trap. Revealing the treasure is the original "Sayuri" painted by Yusuke's mother, Madarame is defeated by the Phantoms and admits his crimes in the real world, increasing the thieves' reputation.
During a class excursion to a television station, the gang spectate an interview with police detective Goro Akechi, who claims that the Phantom Thieves' ability to change hearts could be used for evil. Later, Makoto learns of the Phantom Thieves' identities and blackmails them with a recording, stating she will only delete it if they can change the heart of a crime sindicate boss who has involving students. Meeting up with reporter Ichika Ohya, Ren learns the boss' name, Junya Kaneshiro, which leads the gang to his Palace; a bank flying above Shibuya.
As the thieves find they cannot get into the Palace while it's in midair, Makoto, wanting to prove herself useful, uses herself as bait in order to lead the gang to Kaneshiro, who blackmails them with an incriminating photo. Now considered a customer in Kaneshiro's bank, Makoto accompanies the others to Kaneshiro's Palace where she awakens her Persona, Johanna.
While making steady progress through Kaneshiro's Palace, Makoto manages to become closer with the rest of the team. With the route to the Treasure secured, the Phantoms confront Kaneshiro's Shadow, taking advantage of his weakness of money in order to defeat him. Before the Palace is destroyed, Kaneshiro informs the Phantoms about a man in a black mask who is able to enter Palaces.
Ren Amamiya is about to enter his second year after transferring to Shujin Academy in Tokyo. Following a particular incident, his Persona awakens, and together with his friends, they form the “Phantom Thieves of Hearts” to reform hearts of corrupt adults by stealing the source of their distorted desires. Meanwhile, bizarre and inexplicable crimes have been popping up one after another… Living an ordinary high school life in Tokyo during the day, the group maneuvers the metropolitan city as Phantom Thieves after hours. Let the curtain rise for this grand, picaresque story!