Delete Me (2021)
Delete Me
2021Two best friends Marion and Marit are about to finish high school and in a world where status is everything, they learn that an innocent little joke can go viral and change their lives forever.
Seasons & Episode
Sanna is trying to grow as a social media influencer. But underneath, Sanna hides a dark secret.
While Sanna continues to grow her social media, Fanny is researching her, as assigned by Mona.
It’s the day after Sanna was supposedly raped, and she blackmails the wife for 100.000 kr.
Sanna and Lucas go on their first date. We learn what actually happened at the night of the rape.
Sanna creates her Hornyfans account, and the anonymous artist Gina reaches out to paint her.
Sanna starts her own online video channel. How it all started is revealed as well as how it ends.
Two best friends Marion and Marit are about to finish high school and in a world where status is everything, they learn that an innocent little joke can go viral and change their lives forever.