Baman Piderman
2009Baman Piderman is a goofy, all-ages, traditionally animated series on Mondomedia created by Lindsay and Alex Small-Butera. Full of friendship, absurdity, and a somewhat disconcerting level of continuity, Baman Piderman is a unique animated labor of love that has been weirding people out since 2008.
Seasons & Episode
Baman and Piderman aid a sick pizza pie friend. A friend in need is bread indeed.
Red hatches and everyone gets bullied. It is not ideal.
Wanda's been acting weirdy lately. What's up with that? Almost everyone regrets asking immediately.
Baman Piderman is a goofy, all-ages, traditionally animated series on Mondomedia created by Lindsay and Alex Small-Butera. Full of friendship, absurdity, and a somewhat disconcerting level of continuity, Baman Piderman is a unique animated labor of love that has been weirding people out since 2008.