Pure Mule
2005Multiple award winning drama series written by Eugene O'Brien, produced by David Collins, Ed Guiney and Peter Norris, and directed by Declan Recks and Charlie McCarthy. Pure Mule is set in modern rural Ireland, in a midlands market town. Each of the six episodes of the original series (which first aired on RTE in 2005) focuses in on one particular character from Friday evening to Monday morning.
Seasons & Episode
Scobie has his bags packed for Australia when Jennifer arrives back in town for a family funeral with a new boyfriend in tow.
Scobie's doubts about leaving grow, much to the consternation of his mother Angela and her boyfriend Cliff.
Multiple award winning drama series written by Eugene O'Brien, produced by David Collins, Ed Guiney and Peter Norris, and directed by Declan Recks and Charlie McCarthy. Pure Mule is set in modern rural Ireland, in a midlands market town. Each of the six episodes of the original series (which first aired on RTE in 2005) focuses in on one particular character from Friday evening to Monday morning.