Tales of Phantasia: The Animation Season 1
In the land of Midgard a bloodthirsty conqueror breaks the seal holding Dhaos, the Demon King whose goal is to eradicate all mankind. A few survivors of this destructive event have banded together in an effort to fight against the impending darkness and chaos. A warrior, cleric, witch, summoner, archer, and ninja make up the Heroes of Space and Time as they relentlessly pursue Dhaos in order to end his conquest of death.
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Tales of Phantasia: The Animation
2004In the land of Midgard a bloodthirsty conqueror breaks the seal holding Dhaos, the Demon King whose goal is to eradicate all mankind. A few survivors of this destructive event have banded together in an effort to fight against the impending darkness and chaos. A warrior, cleric, witch, summoner, archer, and ninja make up the Heroes of Space and Time as they relentlessly pursue Dhaos in order to end his conquest of death.
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Tales of Phantasia: The Animation Season 1 Full Episode Guide
As Dhaos' rampage threatens the very existence of the world, Origin reveals to the party the true nature of the Eternal Sword.
Cress finally gets his chance to confront Dhaos, but as he and his newfound companions battle him, Dhaos manages to slip through time into the future.
After the destruction caused by the Magitek weapon, Cress and his companions journey on a mission to restore enough Mana in order to travel back to the "present".
After an attack on his home village of Toltus, Cress Albane is captured by the villain Mars and has his father's pendant stolen from him.