Semester Break Ghost Season 1
This horror-comedy drama tells the story of five college students, Iqsan, Zubir, Fahmi, Leha, and Aina, who stay at an old dormitory throughout the semester break. They choose not to go home due to various issues such as financial constraints, embarrassment, and their ambition to succeed in their studies. Their experiences in this ancient college are colored by mystical tales that are inseparable from the building itself, especially given its long-abandoned state. Despite coming from different backgrounds, they are forced to band together to face ghostly disturbances, including a pontianak (female vampire), a toyol (goblin), and the ghost of a Japanese soldier.
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Semester Break Ghost
2023This horror-comedy drama tells the story of five college students, Iqsan, Zubir, Fahmi, Leha, and Aina, who stay at an old dormitory throughout the semester break. They choose not to go home due to various issues such as financial constraints, embarrassment, and their ambition to succeed in their studies. Their experiences in this ancient college are colored by mystical tales that are inseparable from the building itself, especially given its long-abandoned state. Despite coming from different backgrounds, they are forced to band together to face ghostly disturbances, including a pontianak (female vampire), a toyol (goblin), and the ghost of a Japanese soldier.
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