Mutant X Season 2
Mutant X is a science fiction television series that debuted on October 6, 2001. The show was created by Avi Arad, and it centers around Mutant X, a team of "New Mutants" who possess extraordinary powers as a result of genetic engineering. The members of Mutant X were used as test subjects in a series of covert government experiments. The mission of Mutant X is to seek out and protect their fellow New Mutants. The series was filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Even though the series had high ratings and was meant to be renewed for a fourth season, it was abruptly canceled in 2004 after the dismantling of Fireworks Entertainment, one of the show's production companies, ending the show on a cliffhanger.
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Mutant X
2001Mutant X is a science fiction television series that debuted on October 6, 2001. The show was created by Avi Arad, and it centers around Mutant X, a team of "New Mutants" who possess extraordinary powers as a result of genetic engineering. The members of Mutant X were used as test subjects in a series of covert government experiments. The mission of Mutant X is to seek out and protect their fellow New Mutants. The series was filmed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Even though the series had high ratings and was meant to be renewed for a fourth season, it was abruptly canceled in 2004 after the dismantling of Fireworks Entertainment, one of the show's production companies, ending the show on a cliffhanger.
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Mutant X Season 2 Full Episode Guide
Shalimar's father is involevd in secretive genetic research. The team investigates and finds out that the person backing him has plans of their own.
The team travel to an oil rig to fight a protocanth, a prehistoric reanimated humanoid that endangers all humanity.
A New Mutant with the ability to manipulate the minds and perceptions of others sets out to locate Sanctuary, and captures Shalimar to do so.
The team must protect a senator's daughter but Brennan's powers grow out of control, endangering the mission.
The team tracks down a pyromaniac mutant but matters are complicated when Emma is ""possessed"" by the spirit of his most recent victim.
Adam is put on trail by a mysterious Tribunal for crimes against humanity.
The team must protect a defense witness against a New Mutant who can project his senses through others.
Adam is the target of an assassination league. After their first failure, he sends Shalimar to infiltrate the group but the situation quickly becomes dangerous for her.
Jesse and Brennan go undercover to investigate a prison gladiatorial scheme.
A psychotic New Mutant escapes from prison and goes after Adam, seeking revenge.
Emma must go undercover to join a group of eco-terrorists run by another empath.
A former flame of Brennan's shows up asking for his help...and revealing that her son is Brennan's child.
With Shalimar in sickbay, the team recruits a new feral to temporarily take her place, but the feral plans to become a full-time member of the team...any way she can.
A body-jumping New Mutant uses his abilities to gain revenge on Genomex and the three scientists who ""cursed"" him with his powers.
Aliens are targeting New Mutants to capture samples to take back with them.
Brennan is trapped in a strange town without his powers that is sealed off from the outside world, and must deal with the paranoid townspeople who desire to hide their secret.
A U.S. military plane is shot down and the tem must go in to recover the pilot.
Gabriel gains access to Sanctuary and attempts to force Adam into providing a cure for his fatal condition.
Mutant X investigates a series of deaths in the wilderness that may or may not involve a feral mutant.
Ashlocke gains access to a mutant who can travel through time, and he uses her to go back and alter his own history and cure himself.
A military officer lures in Mutant X in a complicated scheme to get at a vital element stored in the core of a power plant.
Ashlocke revives an ancient Egyptian alchemist in an attempt to preserve his own life.