Adventures of the Little Koala Season 1
Adventures of the Little Koala is an anime TV series produced by Tohokushinsha Film Corporation. It aired originally in Japan on TV Tokyo from October 4, 1984 through March 28, 1985, and then aired in the United States on Nickelodeon dubbed in English from June 1, 1987 until April 2, 1993. It also aired in Greece, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, in the Arabic-speaking world and other countries, but its biggest success by far was in the United States on Nickelodeon. Production of the English and French versions of the series was done by the Canadian studio Cinar Films. The storyline revolved around Roo-bear Koala and his friends in a utopian village. The series takes place in Australia, with the village being located in the shadow of The Breadknife. Including different types of animal creatures in the daily life of the village was likely meant to demonstrate the virtues of pluralism and diversity.
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Adventures of the Little Koala
1987Adventures of the Little Koala is an anime TV series produced by Tohokushinsha Film Corporation. It aired originally in Japan on TV Tokyo from October 4, 1984 through March 28, 1985, and then aired in the United States on Nickelodeon dubbed in English from June 1, 1987 until April 2, 1993. It also aired in Greece, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, in the Arabic-speaking world and other countries, but its biggest success by far was in the United States on Nickelodeon. Production of the English and French versions of the series was done by the Canadian studio Cinar Films. The storyline revolved around Roo-bear Koala and his friends in a utopian village. The series takes place in Australia, with the village being located in the shadow of The Breadknife. Including different types of animal creatures in the daily life of the village was likely meant to demonstrate the virtues of pluralism and diversity.
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