Fireball Season 1
Fireball is a series of CGI anime shorts created by Jinni's Animation Studios in conjunction with Disney. The designer is Hitoshi Fukuchi. It is animated entirely in 3D with no cel-shading of any sort, as would be typical for the medium. The show takes place in the distant future of the 49th millennium, and revolves around the happenings inside a giant manor inhabited by two robots; the gynoid duchess Drossel von Flügel and her massive cyclopian arachnoid servant, Gedächtnis. The episodes are usually nonsensical in nature, normally showing the two characters making idle conversation in the midst of a war with humanity. A third character, a monkey-robot named "Schadenfreude", joins them later.
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2008Fireball is a series of CGI anime shorts created by Jinni's Animation Studios in conjunction with Disney. The designer is Hitoshi Fukuchi. It is animated entirely in 3D with no cel-shading of any sort, as would be typical for the medium. The show takes place in the distant future of the 49th millennium, and revolves around the happenings inside a giant manor inhabited by two robots; the gynoid duchess Drossel von Flügel and her massive cyclopian arachnoid servant, Gedächtnis. The episodes are usually nonsensical in nature, normally showing the two characters making idle conversation in the midst of a war with humanity. A third character, a monkey-robot named "Schadenfreude", joins them later.
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Fireball Season 1 Full Episode Guide
Gedächtnis has both good news and bad news.
The monkey-robot's antics cause problems of a decidedly ocular nature.
Drossel's exercises are interrupted.
A rainstorm brings to light Tempest Tower's lack of resources.
Drossel wants a pet.
Drossel is having trouble getting comfortable.
Drossel considers peace-talks with the humans.
Enemy bombardment causes problems at Tempest Tower.
Gedächtnis has more technical problems - this time with his brain.
Drossel wants to know if the Tower has received any letters.
Drossel discovers some odd headgear.
Gedächtnis is having some trouble with his eye.
Drossel demands of Gedächtnis that he show her images of dolphins.