The Franchise (2011)
The Franchise
2011The Franchise chronicles America's national pastime with a season-long look at the players, coaches and team personnel of a major league baseball team. You'll be right with the team the whole time: during the off-season, at spring training, and along for the rollercoaster ride of the regular season. A remarkable behind-the scenes account of the complex and competitive drama of professional baseball, The Franchise is a grand slam.
Seasons & Episode
The Franchise chronicles America's national pastime with a season-long look at the players, coaches and team personnel of a major league baseball team. You'll be right with the team the whole time: during the off-season, at spring training, and along for the rollercoaster ride of the regular season. A remarkable behind-the scenes account of the complex and competitive drama of professional baseball, The Franchise is a grand slam.