La Hora Chanante Season 3
La Hora Chanante is a Spanish comedy television show aired through the cable/satellite local version of the Paramount Comedy channel. Each episode is a half hour long and consists of a series of unrelated sketches and a story featuring some celebrity which helps keep continuity throughout the program. Episodes used to be released on a monthly basis until 2006, when the show was discontinued. However, reruns are aired frequently through Paramount Comedy as well as Localia, and in December 2007, Paramount Comedy Spain and Universal Pictures launched a pack of two DVDs with the best moments of "La Hora Chanante" and some extras, an unreleased, deleted scenes, stickers and a comic drawn by Joaquín Reyes. It was created and directed by comedian from Albacete Joaquín Reyes, who also played the celebrities portrayed in each episode, thus serving as a show host. Many of the show's cutscenes were drawn by Lalo Kubala and Carlos Areces, both known for their work in the Spanish satire magazine El Jueves. The staff responsible for La Hora Chanante started in September 2007 a new show with a similar format in the public channel La 2, called Muchachada Nui.
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La Hora Chanante
2002La Hora Chanante is a Spanish comedy television show aired through the cable/satellite local version of the Paramount Comedy channel. Each episode is a half hour long and consists of a series of unrelated sketches and a story featuring some celebrity which helps keep continuity throughout the program. Episodes used to be released on a monthly basis until 2006, when the show was discontinued. However, reruns are aired frequently through Paramount Comedy as well as Localia, and in December 2007, Paramount Comedy Spain and Universal Pictures launched a pack of two DVDs with the best moments of "La Hora Chanante" and some extras, an unreleased, deleted scenes, stickers and a comic drawn by Joaquín Reyes. It was created and directed by comedian from Albacete Joaquín Reyes, who also played the celebrities portrayed in each episode, thus serving as a show host. Many of the show's cutscenes were drawn by Lalo Kubala and Carlos Areces, both known for their work in the Spanish satire magazine El Jueves. The staff responsible for La Hora Chanante started in September 2007 a new show with a similar format in the public channel La 2, called Muchachada Nui.
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La Hora Chanante Season 3 Full Episode Guide
Testimonio de Richard Clayderman Super Ñoño: Control Mental El Taxista Retrospect: La Familia de Bette Deivir Hay una luz al final del túnel: Abducción extraterrestre El Show de Terry Bryant: Los secadores de manos El Payaso: Bocasecaman vs El Gañán Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Bill Cosby El Binguero Super Ñoño: Pasando de Dios Retrospect: Timadores Cuéntaselo a Asun: Me va todo muy bien Ponzo Ponzoña Pat & Steve Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Sara Montiel Dr. Alce: viviendo la batmanía Hay una luz al final del túnel: La máquina del tiempo Retrospect: A los niños no hay que pegarles ni flojo ni fuerte El show de Terry Bryant: Sobre los WC: una verdad universal Felipe II El Payaso: El payaso se hace artista Hever vs Clever
Testimonio: Karl Lagerfeld Alerta naranja I Super Ñoño: Puedo cambiar el estado de los objetos Alerta Naranja II Mis amigos Retrospecter: El arte de la seducción El Payaso: Payaso 5.0 Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Björk Dr. Alce: despertares Bocasecaman Retrospecter: El Taller Mundo Oculto CUentaselo a Asun histórico: El emperador de Japón se entrevista con el almirante Perris El Payaso: Guapamente te lo traigo Nianoniano Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Anatoli Karpov El pequeño Fiedrich en GOD IS DEAD Miss F*******: Mucha mierda Los actores de provincias Super Ñoño: Muevo los objetos con la mente Retrospecter: Botellón de passport Mundos paralelos La vida de Michael Jackson Platillo El café Sra Vera El Payaso: Las personas que viven en los culos Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Nadia Comanecci Luterano y forzudo: El pan bimbo Super Ñoño: El sueño de super Ñoño Luterano y forzudo: El cubo de la basura Retrospecter: Los padres de la patria Luterano y forzudo: La compra Reinventando la cocina Luterano y forzudo: La leche El payaso: Soy como una fábrica de producir cosas Luterano y forzudo: Los fuegos de la cocina Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Stephen King Dr Alce: Lirios Rotos La Señorita F******* : Abra Cadaver Retrospecter: Documentos de Hollywood La Pícara Valenciana: El lio del coche Cuéntaselo a Asun "Histórico": Mi padre me da tirria El Payaso: El payaso y el Amish Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Muamar el Gadafi Super Ñoño: Atacan a Super Ñoño El Guionista Pelirrojo Retrospecter: Amigos Especiales Brillín y Papillitas Las Aventuras de Guirly y Chorli: Amistad a la Griega El Manco El Payaso: Normas Mínimas de comportamiento Hever Clever
Testimonio Jimenez del Oso Super Ñoño: La Mente Cósmica La Pícara Valenciana: Ligues de última hora Retrospecter: La facturaza de Boris Karlor Cosas que dan Cosica Cuentaselo a Asun histórico: Vivo con Regomello El Payaso: Cena con el Gañán Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Mister T Dr. Alce: Esos chavales That Fucking English Retrospecter: Lo mejor de Retrospecter Las Luces Atentos al Babuino Pedro Teixido y striptease El Payaso: Rap Señor Mono Hever Clever