La Hora Chanante Season 4
La Hora Chanante is a Spanish comedy television show aired through the cable/satellite local version of the Paramount Comedy channel. Each episode is a half hour long and consists of a series of unrelated sketches and a story featuring some celebrity which helps keep continuity throughout the program. Episodes used to be released on a monthly basis until 2006, when the show was discontinued. However, reruns are aired frequently through Paramount Comedy as well as Localia, and in December 2007, Paramount Comedy Spain and Universal Pictures launched a pack of two DVDs with the best moments of "La Hora Chanante" and some extras, an unreleased, deleted scenes, stickers and a comic drawn by Joaquín Reyes. It was created and directed by comedian from Albacete Joaquín Reyes, who also played the celebrities portrayed in each episode, thus serving as a show host. Many of the show's cutscenes were drawn by Lalo Kubala and Carlos Areces, both known for their work in the Spanish satire magazine El Jueves. The staff responsible for La Hora Chanante started in September 2007 a new show with a similar format in the public channel La 2, called Muchachada Nui.
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La Hora Chanante
2002La Hora Chanante is a Spanish comedy television show aired through the cable/satellite local version of the Paramount Comedy channel. Each episode is a half hour long and consists of a series of unrelated sketches and a story featuring some celebrity which helps keep continuity throughout the program. Episodes used to be released on a monthly basis until 2006, when the show was discontinued. However, reruns are aired frequently through Paramount Comedy as well as Localia, and in December 2007, Paramount Comedy Spain and Universal Pictures launched a pack of two DVDs with the best moments of "La Hora Chanante" and some extras, an unreleased, deleted scenes, stickers and a comic drawn by Joaquín Reyes. It was created and directed by comedian from Albacete Joaquín Reyes, who also played the celebrities portrayed in each episode, thus serving as a show host. Many of the show's cutscenes were drawn by Lalo Kubala and Carlos Areces, both known for their work in the Spanish satire magazine El Jueves. The staff responsible for La Hora Chanante started in September 2007 a new show with a similar format in the public channel La 2, called Muchachada Nui.
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La Hora Chanante Season 4 Full Episode Guide
Testimonio de Sarah Ferguson, La Duquesa de York. Pregúntale al Hombrecillo de pan Hoy es tu día. Romántico Fernández (Un tío muy chungo) Marlo y Claudio: Hijo de Puta hay que decirlo más Bizcoche y Ojos de Huever: Ayer me tiré un pedo... Retrospect: Las madres que no aceptan a las novias de sus hijos El Gañán: Los inmigrantes Dj. Pollo Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Bill Gates Super Ñoño: La humanidad está en peligro! Retrospect: Los festivales de verano La Pícara Valenciana: Las fiestas de Paco Muerte Minitestimonios: José Luis Cuerda Bizcoche y Ojos de Huever: Me saco la pita El Payaso: La nueva religión del payaso Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de David Copperfield Marlo y Claudio: Cocinando con Marlo Retrospect: Los Imbeciles, gente especial Los consejos de Chimo Bayo: No fumeis porros El juicio a Michael Jackson Los consejos de Chimo Bayo II: Estudiad El Gañán: Ligando con el Gañán Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Alejando Amenábar y José Luis Cuerda Los consejos de Chimo Bayo: Iros pronto a Casa Retrospect: La gente que pide favores Bocaseca Man: Consejos para el verano El cantarín El último discurso de Hitler al culo de Eva Brown El Hombrecillo de Pan El cantarín II El Gañán: La Berbena Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Hugh Heffner Retrospect: El hermano de la novia Papá, he visto un ovnir Los consejos de Chimo Bayo Cuéntaselo a Asun: Mi marido me irrita bastante Vicentín: Siempre a tope 5.0 Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Mario Alberto Kempes Super Ñoño: Lucecitas Blancas El Forestal Gemelos A las víctimas del Jet-lag Retrospect: Tangana en el tren Gemelos II El Gañán: Curso de Tollinas Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Tim Burton Concurso de belleza de mascotas humanas Retrospect: Robo a Boris Karlor Concurso de belleza de mascotas humanas II Biografías Acojonantes: Loco las Coles Super Ñoño: Super Ñoño tiene novia y se llama Bocachoti Concurso de belleza de mascotas humanas III El Gañán: Como hablar en Gañán Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Mike Tyson Vicentín: Duelo de bailes Gemelos Retrospect: Gente que no es lo que aparenta Soy Idiota Gemelos II Sr. Pussy: ¡Viva la Popoch! El Gañán: Los consejos del Gañán (Cómo vestirse) Hever vs Clever
Testimonio Barbara Streisand Super Ñoño: Los inicios de Super Ñoño El Bedel Retrospect: El superdotado Yo no soy Paco El Gañán: Gañán 5.0 Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Vladimir Tkachenko Dr. Alce: Minutos Musicales El cantarín El Relato El cantarín II Retrospect: Los Tacos Marlo y Claudio El Payaso: Vivo con tu Madre Hever vs Clever
Testimonio de Nana Moskouri Super Ñoño: haciendo tonterías cuando se está solo 007: Muere hoy Retrospect: Fraude en Miss España Cuéntaselo a Asun: El cazador y el pájaro Dodo Atentos al Babuino: Gente que musita El Gañán: Obra del Gañán (Monologos con entrecejo) Hever vs Clever